Monday, 14 July 2008

This is to defend the guys out there (:

This is a reply to the post, posted about guys being scumbags and all.

I totally disagree bout that post, seriously , both are aint soo different at all.

To compare now, girls are the more EGO ones compare to the guys.

They tend to focus more on themselves, ignoring bout the what we guys felt.

They like the to say things that satisfy themselves rather than even PROOVING that guys are

even scumbags in the first place.

Guys and girls are normal human beings, both have totally different perspective of their view on smth.

They have different opinion on different stuffs right ?

You dont expect us to have the same opinion all the time too right ?

If yes, why god has made us male and female respectively ?

Doesnt that show that he wants us to be different from one another so that we can hear different views

of things.

And bout that post below,

Id say, the Blogger really don't know much bout all this and just blaabberr out nonsense.

Why must post such stuffs in the class blog ?

Though its kinda cool to read this kinda stuffs.

But yeah, you know. people might get offended in some way.

so heres some pictures of the day,


(people have been sleeping in class lately, Wonder what theyre dreaming of ? )


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