Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Dead ?

Oh hello.

This blog has been dead for quite a while now, so I thought I should update a little. I've got plenty of time btw, and since I don't have much to do yet, I thought I update you people on certain stuffs. December is ending and what comes next?

We'll be receiving our results soon. Scared?
I am.

What have you people been up to lately? Have you guys watch Twilight(heh)? Great stuff, it's a must watch.

Realise there is a change of blogskin? Well, I thought it would be nice to have some changes. So, please state your views on this one. And, who will be going for the class outing? I still haven't pay. Hah-ah, i don't even know if i want to go. K, that's bad.

I shall go off now. I've got to treat my youngest sister. Yea, the annoying one.

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