Wednesday, 18 February 2009


Haha, joke joke.

Hi, peepos. How are you doing? How's school? Life? Love life? Work? Home? Sisters? Brothers? Teachers and schoolmates? I hope everyone is fine wherever you are. Right, so I've plans tomorrow and the next, and the next too. What about you? I'm going Botanical Gardens tomorrow with my mates.

Right, change of skin again. Since, this is a typical mundane class blog, I thought it best I changed it to a duller skin. Haha, I know many will detest this, but who cares? Haha.

What else do you want me to update on? Ah, yes. Who goes where? But I've told you already, so, haha, I won't repeat. I've missed out on a few people, right? K, Hafizah is in MI. Farah also. Aiman Ngee Ann. Aubree and her clan, I don't know.

So, have you, poly peeps receive your enrolment package? :D I have (:

I want to meet you people on Teachers' day. Better be there :D

I owe you pictures. Enjoy!

Friday, 6 February 2009

Yo guys!
Since there is a need for update this damn blog.
Hahas I will be telling our mates how is JC life.
All this is my opinion wor.
Ok the good thing is that PJC is fun!
We are in our Orientation Groups.
Sadly all of us are different T.T
Qijie and Hong is in OG 5
Xinhui and JJ are in OG 6
Jian ming went to 19
Well I am in 26.
Glenn at 33
Shawn at 35.
This wk was nothing but having fun.
But we had lectures too lah!
Hong,XH and me choose MCPCE.
Which means Math,Chem & Phy for H2.
CE is a new subject.
Its full name is China Studies in English.Which we choose it to be H1.
This new subject is quite interesting.Very much alike History.
Quite interesting though.
TJM appeal in and had his MPEC I think.
Glenn and Shawn get into that combi too.
Which is Math,Phy,Econs and H1 chem.
JJ was a bit different.MPECE.
I guess you know why he dont like chem.=x
Our previous chem cher gave him nightmares xD

Well lectures are fine.Sit at Lecture room which can hold alot ppl.
Well for HH,XH and me,all the lectures were fine...
We had a old man teaching us math which make me lose my flair for Maths...
Damn sian lah.
But lucky for my talent in math.I understand all xDD{Sorry for being thick-skin}

We had fun and pain there.
The JC was fun.Not as worse as expected.
Still can long hair and shoes can be anything.
Well nt until long like poly lah.
But still can manipulate the rules though =D
Phone still can be use.PSP too.
Wont confiscate though.
The teachers were friendly but the DM still abit Zzz lah.
Catch my sideburn.ARGH!

For you guys enquiry.
GP is ALL discussion and arguementative essay.
All topics can come out.Political,environmental,geography,history...and lots more!
But need 500 words...zZz
12 choices only.
Still not bad lah.
We had Project Work.Which is a subject that MUST be taken.
Do alot of things and had to present to the Cambridge markers.
Damn nervous about that.
We had to write 3000 words for that...Zzz
We had 5 ppl in our group.So is 600 each.Might still need more.
Have to completed in 1yr though.
Hope I dont retain though =x
All the best wishes to those who are in other JC.
I know you guys are suffering but just endure for 2yrs!

P.S Poly students thinkin that JC has no life.You are WRONG!
Anyway hope you guys enjoy ur hols as much as possible.Try to meet up wor =D

P.S.S Sorry about the long post.Have to sum up.=D

Ching Kiat ;D

6 ways to evade boredom(for poly peeps on holiday)

1.Money is the reason why the earth is spherical
Get a part-time/temporary job and start saving.Early financial plannings promise a better tomorrow.This is also to minimize the pressure of the deteriorating high living cost.
e.g.Adult bus/mrt fares for poly students!!!No more fixed 45cts bus/train trip =((!!!

2.Get physically in shape
Adopt any sports whether it is an individual sports or those that requires co-op.
e.g.Soccer,badminton,tennis,jogging,cycling,body sculpting etc.

3.Start owning others!!
Gaming are efficient in killing time as they are rather addictive and time consuming.You can also turn to LAN games that enable you to play with you peers.But remember to rest your eyes!
e.g. Dota,Halo 3,Left 4 dead etc.

4.The entertainment world
Pamper yourself with infinite entertainments!
e.g. Watch movies,tv series,musics etc.

5. Make every night a 'Friday Night'(!!!)
Only certain people would be able to interpret this.haha!

6.Update this damm blog!!!

Anyway, how has JC life been so far for the first week?On behalf of the Poly peeps, I hope the JC peeps are able to give the Poly peeps a glimpse of how JC life is via this blog.On behalf of 3E2/4E2, I wish the JC peeps all the best in achieving your desired goals in your 2 year stay there!Cheers =))!

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Who is posted where?

Hong Hui pjc
Fiona nyp food science
Xin Hui Pjc
Colin cjc
Nurmisliana mass comm Ngee ann
Ching Kiat, Jia Jie, Glenn Qi jie also PJC
shawn tam sp accounts
jian ming PJC
shun li ngee ann aero space electronics
jackson ngee ann computer engineering
kenney is ngee ann martime ( i heard he is appealing)
hanis sp aerospace tech
khairul sp aerospace electronics
raymi information technology sp
hidayat computer engineering
hazwan waiting for appeal result
rejab waiting for appeal result
yasier school of business and accountancy ngee ann
taufiq environmental and something something in sp
shawn tan pjc
aiman np internet security
chee kiong a.k.a singtelbitch sp creative writing television blablabla
jeremy rp events management

So far this is all I've got. Tell me if your name is not stated up there.