Wednesday, 18 February 2009


Haha, joke joke.

Hi, peepos. How are you doing? How's school? Life? Love life? Work? Home? Sisters? Brothers? Teachers and schoolmates? I hope everyone is fine wherever you are. Right, so I've plans tomorrow and the next, and the next too. What about you? I'm going Botanical Gardens tomorrow with my mates.

Right, change of skin again. Since, this is a typical mundane class blog, I thought it best I changed it to a duller skin. Haha, I know many will detest this, but who cares? Haha.

What else do you want me to update on? Ah, yes. Who goes where? But I've told you already, so, haha, I won't repeat. I've missed out on a few people, right? K, Hafizah is in MI. Farah also. Aiman Ngee Ann. Aubree and her clan, I don't know.

So, have you, poly peeps receive your enrolment package? :D I have (:

I want to meet you people on Teachers' day. Better be there :D

I owe you pictures. Enjoy!